Paid Sex Workers

Prostitute (SEX WORKERS)

Have you ever noticed the women on a lonely street standing in a group and giving “DIFFERENT SIGNALS”? or the one who stays in the brothel and spends her entire life there waiting for a guy?


PROSTITUTE or SEX WORKER or A Characterless Women?

A characterless woman you would say but the pain of that character is completely unknown because it was not her choice anyway, it was forced or imposed by someone.

But you need to know she is bearing a lot of pain just to save your Daughter from all those horny characterless MEN.

So This Poetry is Dedicated to those Beautiful Women Who Equally Needs To Be Recognised as One Of The Same Kind.



I met a girl on a highway that night
she was beautiful and waving her hands in

was she in some kind of emergency or
she needs some help I thought
I stopped my car by the road opened
the window to hear a word

your place or my place?
she did ask,
I opened the door and called her into the car.

she told me her price
I said you will be paid
she said it’s ok
how long will it take?

I took her for dinner and
we went to a hotel
it took us a while to
get ourselves set.

while she was taking her clothes off
I looked at her and I told her to stop
don’t do this I am here for a talk.

she was shocked by this kinda thought am
I not beautiful? she did give her shot.
I told u do are beautiful as hell but I am here to listen to your story you are excited to tell!

what story ? she did ask,
the story of your childhood and your sorrowful past.

then she started with the tears in her eyes
I was born in a place where men do prey on women.
I was bought when I was 15.

my mother was a prostitute she did knew
there is no escape as this is our que

I was taken to a big bunglow now
I thought they would treat me like a baby doll

2 days passed I was treated so well
the aunty did knew what’s coming was creepy as hell
3rd day a frustrated man came in
he dragged me to a room where I was punished for my sin
he fucked me for an hour and left my body full of scars

I was in pain and my vagina was bleeding
2 days passed and still there was swelling.
then I thought in what world I am dwelling.

few days later I was sent to my mom
her eyes had tears and my legs were already apart
I asked her why this is happened to me
she replied coz you were born here maybe

go and find your men they said
or get fucked by many people instead

20-80 was decided as our share
20% mine because I was shifting gear

I did tried to run a few times but then
I fucked by many guys
at the same time.

few days later I understood one thing
who ever I become now
prostitution would be my thing.

I didn’t touch her at all that night
I paid her money for that whole fuckin night.
the story she told me had lots of pain
which has left this poet in vain .


#WomanIsWoman #RespectTheOtherSide #TheProstitute.